What Made You Smile?

My Best Week EVER!
by: Yalina
● July 31, 2023

I like smiling. Smiling is my favorite.

Things that made me smile this week:

1. Going to my local Starbucks and Sammi always knowing all of my orders by heart (shout out to Sammi!).
Also, when they have matcha back in stock! Ya girl LOVES her iced matcha lattes with EXTRA strawberry cold foam because no matter what people say, MORE is BETTER. YUM!

2. Greeting my boss and colleagues in the morning.
Hi Barbie, Hi Barbie, Hi Ken…

3. When Ayin (the snack queen) at work gives me snacks.
I will never go hangry again.

4. The sound of my colleague, Darlene’s obnoxiously loud shoes when she walks around the office.
Imagine dead silence and that sound being the only thing you hear. It’s FUNNY, ok?!

5. Every time my boss, Geolyn laughs.
It’s pure joy and CONTAGIOUS!

6. Singing along (loudly) to my playlist with the windows down while driving home after work… and getting stares along the way.
I go HARD on “Under the Sea,” accent included.

7. A huge Porto’s bag carrying my equally large order being delivered and handed to me by DoorDash as soon as I get home from work.
I have to treat myself because I love me.

8. After completing my usual 4.2 mile run.
It’s a way of running away from my problems.

9. Singing “Part of Your World” in the shower.

I’m on a ‘Little Mermaid’ kick right now and living my best life.

10. Going to Yogurtland, grabbing a good amount of sample cups, sampling EVERY FLAVOR AVAILABLE (sometimes twice), and picking my usual every time.
I’m not even sorry! Hahaha!

11. Reading “Yours Truly” by Abby Jimenez.

Who doesn’t love hot British men in white, flowy shirts (that coincidentally get soaked)?? Swoon.

And Prince Eric… because he’s British and gets soaked in a white, flowy shirt too… you’re welcome…

13. When my coworker, Gina is not paying attention to her playlist that plays in the office and an “inappropriate work song” starts playing.
But when she does notice it, it would abruptly stop.

14. Friday Team Building Games at work.
The best way to start the best day of the week. Don’t get it twisted, EVERYONE is competitive!!

15. Every time I talk to my friend, Savahna (who lives up North). The sound of her voice instantly makes me smile.
It also helps that she’s HILARIOUS too.

16. Whenever I walk into a room where all of my friends are… everyone stops, screams my name, and greets me with the best hugs.
Main Character energy.

17. When I receive packages of stuff in the mail that I don’t remember ordering and pretending it’s Christmastime when I open them.
I lose track sometimes, so Merry Christmas to ME!

18. Facetiming my nieces.
They wanted to let me know that they can sing Encanto songs in both Spanish AND English… and made me listen to them sing both versions. They mostly made up some words in English, but I’m a supportive auntie.

19. Going to Disneyland with my cousins, theme dressing, and taking copious amounts of photos.
We’re THAT family.

K.I.T (keep in touch)

(because we make kits, DUH)



A Barbie girl living in a Disney world where she can showcase her extravagant costumes, where extra EXTRA is never enough, where her obnoxious shower singing sounds like Beyoncé, and where she can hug random collared dogs because that most likely indicates they don’t have rabies. A hopeless romantic who binges rom-com marathons, yet despises dating and dating apps. Yalina lives, laughs, and loves on her people – her big, scattered Mexican family, and framily, who remain super close to her heart. But as an avid runner, if you can’t find her, chances are she’s running like Forrest – far, far away… from her problems… and dating.



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