My Personal Power: The Smile

The Smile
by: Penelope
● August 16, 2023

“The best things in life are free…” or are they? There is probably much debate on this iconic lyric, and the word “free” can be a loosely used term. But from my personal experience, I can truly say… YES THEY ARE! The truth is, the power of a SMILE can be largely underestimated, undervalued, and often just brushed off these days. What people don’t realize is that a smile, the tiniest movement of our facial muscles, can move mountains, molehills and so much more!

I recall the years when people would always question, “Why are you always smiling?” or “Are you okay in the head? Why are you always smiling?” I found this surprising because for some time I thought I had a resting b*** face… hmmm… My replies would always be, “Why not? Why not smile when I do feel like smiling?” When I look at people, I certainly would prefer to smile than frown at them! Perhaps it is just my personality or maybe I am innately wired to smile. When I look back, smiling has always opened so many doors for me.

Because of my smile, it initiated and established long lasting friendships with people that I deeply treasure until now.  Smiling has victoriously helped me navigate the tricky and stressful job of dealing with suppliers, artists, VIP’s, and the demands of corporate bosses! With my love of traveling, it made meeting new people of different cultures and languages easier… and yes, even dealing with those scary immigration officers in foreign countries! Shopping in another country and bargaining has also become so, so, so seamless! A simple smile you say, huh?

A lot of who I am and what I have been able to do can be traced back to smiling – my own personal power that I wield without limit and remorse… wink, wink ;). All jokes aside, I believe it has also made the battle with life’s challenges easier – because somehow, even in the middle of my lowest lows, I still managed to smile. That tiny bit of muscle curvature sparks hope that things can be better.

“Why not? Why not smile when I do feel like smiling?” When I look at people, I certainly would prefer to smile than frown at them!”

I know some people are not as used to smiling as I am. Here are some FACTual reasons that any completely sane individual can relate to:

SMILING can make YOU feel happier!  When you smile, your brain releases endorphins, which are hormones that have positive mood-boosting effects.

SMILING REDUCES STRESS. Smiling can help relax your muscles and lower your heart rate, which can reduce stress levels. It ultimately saves you money on healthcare… which is a BIG PLUS!

SMILING makes you more ATTRACTIVE. AMEN! – People are naturally drawn to those who smile because it is seen as a sign of warmth and happiness.

SMILING can help improve RELATIONSHIPS. Smiling helps create a more positive and friendly atmosphere, which can lead to better relationships with others. (Hello! Save the drama for your mama!)

SMILING is HEALTHY. It’s been proven to have a number of health benefits. It helps to reduce blood pressure, boost the immune system, and even help to live longer. (Again, lower health care costs because living in America in 2023 is no joke).

And saving the best for last…
SMILING can make you look up to 10 years younger! That is 10 years worth of collagen, retinol, Botox, and all the Korean and Japanese skincare costs!!!! All for FREE. FREE! What more could you ask for?

Cue Janet Jackson…

The best things in life are free (yeah)
Now that I’ve discovered what you mean to me (don’t you know that)
The best things in life are free (yeah)

Now go and live your life with a smile… for you’ll never know the riches it can give you.

K.I.T (keep in touch)

(because we make kits, DUH)



Unicorn whisperer, miracle believer, and master connector of people and ideas for the greater good. Behind every success, there’s a friend like Pen. With kaleidoscope color-changing hair, Pen is a total MOOD with an eclectic flair for fashion, jewelry, and design. A lover, a traveler, and a happy, smiley wanderer. With her, shopping addictions are enabled and totally justified, so consider yourself warned. Always ready to embark on a wild adventure with friends (both furry and human) and family, Pen will literally work for food and look aesthetically pleasing doing it.



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