A Love Letter To My Daughter
by: Matthew
● January 26, 2024

Dear Millie, my sweet little daughter,

It’s a new year, a new start, and definitely a new chapter in this life. A little over 3 months and 300 diaper changes ago, you came into this world. I had some idea of what I was getting myself into but in reality I had absolutely NO idea what I got myself into. There was so much I had to discover: from swaddling, to diaper changing, cluster feeding, and the list goes on… Honestly there were some nights that made your mom and I cry like you, but found out some things that helped us along the way. Who would’ve thought there’s so much to do and learn while raising a baby?

I thought that by observing how my parents (your grandparents) raised me I would learn enough to be the parent that I strive to be. However, everything was surreal. From finding out your mommy was having you, to seeing you grow more and more in your mommy’s belly, having your mom being admitted to the hospital, delivery room and raising you the moment you entered this world. Thank God we have the help from your grandparents, relatives, and friends that make raising you a little easier. Sure, there were doubts and fears that we would have to go through, but for you, you’re worth all the challenges: the crying, explosive diapers, throw ups, but mostly, the smiles and enjoying the bundle of joy that you currently are.

There’s so much I want you to see, so much to teach you, but for now I’ll enjoy and cherish these moments; because you’ll grow up so fast, in a blink of an eye.

Daddy (& Mommy) love you very, very much.

P.S. To all the new and expecting parents out there. If you’re reading this, you’ll be okay. Sure you’ll have moments where you might pull out your hair, bang your head against the wall, have tension with your spouse, but it’ll gradually get better.

K.I.T (keep in touch)

(because we make kits, DUH)



Lover of zzz’s, bites, and gainz. Aside from being a man of Christ & believer… he’s a podcaster, family man, ride or die, loving husband, & brand new doting father to a princess. Sleeping is SO overrated for him. Matt’s design game is strong, and enjoys capturing life through his lens or reflects on it near the OC waves. Lives life with purpose and joy while spreadin’ smiles, lifting spirits, and being a listening ear for life’s rollercoaster ride! Matt’s POV: show a smile; spread it for miles.