Seven Days of Love

by: Geolyn
● May 5, 2022

When you think about it, love means almost everything and almost nothing at the same time.

You can love the love of your life with the deepest love imaginable for an entire lifetime. And you can also love love looove your daily iced latte with sweet cream and extra foam that you won’t even finish and will sit at your desk until all the ice melts away and there’s a water stain puddle because you don’t have a coaster. Knowing that love can be playful, spicy, and impulsive or generic, vanilla, and predictable. Knowing that love can be shown with big, grandiose gestures or displayed In the smallest, most intimate ways… made me think…

What does love mean to you? What makes you feel loved?

I don’t know about y’all, but I love to love those I love. I’m very selective with who I choose to love, who I choose to invest my time and energy into, and who I choose to genuinely connect with and show up for. Because my energy is precious and love is a choice, not an obligation. Ya feel me?

When given the challenge to write about 7 days of love, my mind automatically went into overtime, over thinking about how I was going to show people love for the next 7 days. Feeling like I was going to have to go above and beyond what I would normally do because I didn’t feel like I show love every day of my life, let alone 7 days in a row. But this assignment was actually a perfect fit and very timely for me, as I’m currently on my journey towards healing and self-love. And let me tell you, it’s been an interesting and tumultuous 5-year journey, but I finally feel like I’m starting to break through. So naturally, this made me deep dive into thinking about love languages and all the ways I give and receive love.

Day 1: Food for the Soul

Anyone that knows me knows that you can love on me with food all day, errrday. Like I will literally work for food. A few years ago, I did a small freelance job for some homemade banana pudding and cinnamon rolls. Call me easy, it’s fine – I’m totally okay with it.

So, I have 2 older sisters who I love and adore – even though they hated me when we were younger – but we’ll save those stories for another day. Well, they loved me with food today. It was a rainy day, so my sis G asked if I wanted ramen and I’m like “DUH.” We ate our ramen together and it was cute. And my sis D, who always shows her love by cooking, made these delicious little moist yellow cakes with chocolate ganache frosting. After I basically inhaled the one she gave me, I asked if she had more because I low key have gluttonous tendencies. The thought of them going out of their way to think of me just made me feel special and well, loved. And they probably don’t even know it. Then all this food stuff made me think of my parents who got the flu because of me. So, I checked in on them – told them I loved and appreciated them, and offered to Postmates them food. But they left me on read and never replied, so yeah. They hate me.

I also sprankled myself with some love. You know those days when you feel like you radiate love and self-care, with your soul and skin on the glow up? Well, that was me on this day. Felt extra cute – great hair day, great vintage wrap sweater that makes my waist look snatched, great boots, blah blah blah. I even posted a selfie on my IG story – which is a super-duper rare sighting. It was a whole “felt cute, might delete later” kinda vibe with no actual intentions of deleting later.

When I got home from work, I was really missing my husband. I had gotten the flu really bad 2 weeks before, then he got it right after me. So, we basically spent a few weeks apart so as not to keep spreading it. I felt so alone and depressed and sick. And alone. I was craving his love and affection, but he was still sick. So physically, I was missing him very much. We’d been texting each other from separate rooms, so I decided to put on this cute little nightgown he bought me and sent him selfies. But you know, contagious people things, so no real action ensued. I just wanted to tell him that I missed him, his affection, and just his presence. And remind him how sexy I am… Felt cute, not deleting later. ; )

When given the challenge to write about 7 days of love, my mind automatically went into overtime, over thinking about how I was going to show people love for the next 7 days. Feeling like I was going to have to go above and beyond what I would normally do because I didn’t feel like I show love every day of my life, let alone 7 days in a row. But this assignment was actually a perfect fit and very timely for me, as I’m currently on my journey towards healing and self-love.

K.I.T (keep in touch)

(because we make kits, DUH)



Reigning as the unconventional Queen of who knows what, Geolyn is a fearless leader who will 100% have your back… until her back goes out. Her talent for backwards spelling is totally useless, but if reverse spelling Olympics were a thing, she’d take home the gold. Then repurpose that gold into something practical like a crown, insane stacks of gold jewelry, and a Cuban link gold chain for her dog. Fueled by love and validation from her hot Latin lover husband, amazing children, Bretman Rock, Yung Pueblo, and her blue-nose brindle baddie, Zyra, she’s on a mission to empower and inspire as an author and life coach… some time, one day, in her next life…when she’s done getting her life together.



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